►C__Action__ | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::Action< T > | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Action< T > | |
CMR::Thread::__Backend | |
C__has_custom_new_operator< T > | |
►C__ReaderBase__ | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Reader< ValueType > | A class to read streamlines data |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ScalarReader< T > | |
►C__WriterBase__ | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::WriterUnbuffered< float > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Writer< ValueType > | Class to handle writing tracks to file, with RAM buffer |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ScalarWriter< T > | Class to handle writing track scalars to file |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::WriterUnbuffered< ValueType > | Class to handle unbuffered writing of tracks to file |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ACT::ACT_Method_additions | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ACT::ACT_Shared_additions | |
CMR::Filter::Connector::Adjacency | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::AffineRobustEstimator | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::AffineUpdate | |
CMR::Math::SH::aPSF< ValueType > | Class to hold the coefficients for an apodised point-spread function |
CMR::App::Argument | A class to specify a command-line argument |
►CEigen::Array | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Tck2nodes_base::voxel_type | |
CMR::Surface::Scalar | |
►CEigen::Array3i | |
CMR::Surface::Vox | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::Base | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::BaseCRTP< Arc > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::Arc | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::BaseCRTP< Downsampler > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::Downsampler | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::BaseCRTP< Endpoints > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::Endpoints | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::BaseCRTP< FixedNumPoints > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::FixedNumPoints | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::BaseCRTP< FixedStepSize > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::FixedStepSize | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::BaseCRTP< Upsampler > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::Upsampler | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Resampling::BaseCRTP< Derived > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Base | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Dynamic | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::GMWMI | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Grid_per_voxel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Random_per_voxel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Rejection | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::SeedMask | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Sphere | |
►CMR::Fixel::Filter::Base | |
CMR::Fixel::Filter::Connect | |
CMR::Fixel::Filter::Smooth | |
►CMR::Formats::Base | Interface for classes that support the various image formats |
CMR::Formats::DICOM | |
CMR::Formats::MGH | |
CMR::Formats::MGZ | |
CMR::Formats::MRI | |
CMR::Formats::MRtrix | |
CMR::Formats::MRtrix_GZ | |
CMR::Formats::MRtrix_sparse | |
CMR::Formats::NIfTI1 | |
CMR::Formats::NIfTI1_GZ | |
CMR::Formats::NIfTI2 | |
CMR::Formats::NIfTI2_GZ | |
CMR::Formats::PAR | |
CMR::Formats::Pipe | |
CMR::Formats::XDS | |
►CMR::ImageIO::Base | |
►CMR::ImageIO::Default | |
CMR::ImageIO::SparseLegacy | |
CMR::ImageIO::GZ | |
CMR::ImageIO::Mosaic | |
CMR::ImageIO::Pipe | |
CMR::ImageIO::RAM | |
CMR::ImageIO::Scratch | |
CMR::ImageIO::VariableScaling | |
►CMR::Registration::Transform::Base | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Affine | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Rigid | |
►CMR::Surface::Filter::Base | |
CMR::Surface::Filter::Smooth | |
CMR::Surface::Filter::VertexTransform | |
►CMR::BitSet | Class for storing bitwise information |
CMR::DWI::Directions::Mask | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Image::CachedTexture | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::iFOD1::Calibrate | |
CMR::Algo::Histogram::Calibrator | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::CameraInteractor | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Transform | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::View | |
CMR::GUI::GL::Context::Checker | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Sync::Client | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ClipPlane | |
CMR::Filter::Connector::Cluster | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::CoefficientOptimiserBase | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::CoefficientOptimiserGSS | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::CoefficientOptimiserIterative | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::CoefficientOptimiserQLS | |
CMR::Math::Stats::CohortDataImport | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::ColourBars | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::ColourMapButtonObserver | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::EdgeColourObserver | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Fixel | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::NodeColourObserver | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Overlay | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Window | |
CMR::compare_ptr_contents | |
CMR::Registration::Warp::ComposeDispKernel | |
CMR::Registration::Warp::ComposeHalfwayKernel< DeformationField1Type, DeformationField2Type > | |
CMR::Registration::Warp::ComposeLinearDeformKernel | |
CMR::Registration::Warp::ComposeLinearDispKernel | |
CMR::File::Config | |
CMR::Filter::Connector | |
CMR::DWI::Fixel_map< Fixel >::ConstIterator | |
CMR::Helper::ConstRow< ImageType > | |
CMR::BitSet::ConstValue | |
CMR::container_value_type< Cont, ReturnType > | Get the underlying scalar value type for both std:: containers and Eigen |
CMR::container_value_type< Cont, typename std::enable_if< is_eigen_type< Cont >::value, int >::type > | |
CMR::Filter::CopyKernel4D | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::Cost_fn_gradient_sort | |
CMR::GUI::Crosshair | |
CMR::File::Dicom::CSAEntry | |
CMR::DWI::SDeconv::CSD | |
CMR::GUI::Shapes::Cube | |
►CMR::Math::CubicSpline< T > | |
CMR::Math::HermiteSpline< T > | |
CMR::Math::UniformBSpline< T > | |
CMR::GUI::Cursor | |
CMR::GUI::Shapes::Cylinder | |
CMR::Algo::Histogram::Data | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::DataIndex | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Streamline< float > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Exemplar | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Streamline< ValueType > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Streamline_nodelist | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Streamline_nodepair | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::TrackScalar< ValueType > | |
CMR::DataType | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Date | |
►CDeformationField2Type | |
►CMR::Interp::Base< DeformationField2Type > | |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterpBase< DeformationField2Type, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value > | |
CMR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value >< DeformationField2Type > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::Demons< Im1ImageType, Im2ImageType, Im1MaskType, Im2MaskType > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::Demons4D< Im1ImageType, Im2ImageType, Im1MaskType, Im2MaskType > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::DemonsCC< Im1ImageType, Im2ImageType, Im1MaskType, Im2MaskType > | |
►Cstd::deque | |
CMR::deque< MR::DWI::Tractography::GT::Particle > | |
CMR::deque< X, N > | |
CMR::deque< X, 0 > | |
CMR::Path::Dir | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::DisplayableVisitor | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Fixel | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Overlay | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::TrackScalarFileOptions | |
CMR::GUI::DWI::Renderer::Dixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::DixelMappingPlugin | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::DoubleExpSmoothSlopeCheck | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Dynamic_ACT_additions | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::EarlyExit | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Edge | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Element | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::EnergyComputer | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::EnergySumComputer | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::ExternalEnergyComputer | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::InternalEnergyComputer | |
►CMR::Stats::EnhancerBase | |
CMR::Connectome::Enhance::PassThrough | |
CMR::Stats::CFE | |
►CMR::Stats::TFCE::EnhancerBase | |
CMR::Connectome::Enhance::NBS | |
CMR::Stats::Cluster::ClusterSize | |
CMR::Stats::TFCE::Wrapper | |
CMR::ColourMap::Entry | |
►CMR::File::Entry | |
CMR::File::MMap | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::Evaluate< MetricType, ParamType > | |
CMR::App::Example | Object for storing a single example command usage |
►CMR::Exception | |
CMR::CancelException | |
CMR::InvalidFixelDirectoryException | |
CMR::InvalidImageException | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::Exec< Method > | |
CMR::Registration::RotationSearch::ExhaustiveRotationSearch< MetricType > | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
CMR::is_complex< ValueType > | Check whether type is complex: |
CMR::Filter::FFT::FFTKernel< ComplexImageType > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::LineSearchFunctor::Fixel | |
►CMR::DWI::Fixel_map< Fixel > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Fixel_TD_map< Fixel > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::ModelBase< Fixel > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::Model< Fixel > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::TckFactor | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::SIFTer | |
►CMR::DWI::Fixel_map< Fixel_TD_seed > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Fixel_TD_map< Fixel_TD_seed > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::ModelBase< Fixel_TD_seed > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Dynamic | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::FixelBase | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::Fixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::Fixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Fixel_TD_seed | |
CMR::Fixel::Legacy::FixelMetric | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::FixelUpdater | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::FixelValue | |
CMR::DWI::FMLS::FOD_lobe | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Init::FODInitialiser | |
CMR::DWI::FMLS::FODQueueWriter | |
CMR::GUI::GL::Font | |
►CMR::File::Dicom::Frame | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Image | |
CMR::GUI::GL::FrameBuffer | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Init::LinearInitialisationParams::RotationInit::rot_search::global_search | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::GMWMI_5TT_Wrapper | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::GMWMI | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::ACT::GMWMI_finder | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::GMWMI | |
CMR::GUI::GL::Context::Grab | |
CMR::Math::GradientDescent< Function, UpdateFunctor > | Computes the minimum of a function using a gradient descent approach |
CMR::Math::GradientDescentBB< Function, UpdateFunctor > | Computes the minimum of a function using a Barzilai Borwein gradient descent approach. ENH: implement stabilised version https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.06409 |
CMR::File::GZ | |
CMR::GUI::Shapes::HalfSphere | |
►CMR::Header | |
►CMR::Filter::Base | |
CMR::Filter::ConnectedComponents | |
CMR::Filter::DWIBrainMask | Filter to compute a whole brain mask from a DWI image |
CMR::Filter::Dilate | Filter to dilate a mask |
CMR::Filter::Erode | Filter to erode a mask |
CMR::Filter::FFT | Filter to perform an FFT on an image |
CMR::Filter::Gradient | |
CMR::Filter::MaskClean | Filter to clean up masks typically output by DWIBrainMask filter |
CMR::Filter::Median | |
CMR::Filter::Normalise | |
CMR::Filter::OptimalThreshold | Filter to compute the optimal threshold to mask a DataSet |
CMR::Filter::Resize | |
CMR::Filter::Smooth | |
CMR::Filter::ZClean | |
CMR::Image< ValueType >::Buffer | |
CMR::Math::Hermite< T > | |
CMR::Math::Stats::GLM::Hypothesis | |
►CImageBase | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Extract< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Extract< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Extract1D< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Extract1D< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Gaussian1D< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Gaussian1D< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Gradient1D< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Gradient1D< ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Gradient3D< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Jacobian< WarpType >, WarpType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Jacobian< WarpType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Median< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Median< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< NeighbourhoodCoord< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::NeighbourhoodCoord< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Normalise3D< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Normalise3D< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< PermuteAxes< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::PermuteAxes< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Regrid< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Regrid< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Replicate< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Replicate< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Subset< ImageType >, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Subset< ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Bootstrap< ImageType, Functor, 256 >, ImageType > | |
CMR::DWI::Bootstrap< ImageType, Functor, NUM_VOX_PER_CHUNK > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Gradient1D< WarpType >, WarpType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Gradient1D< WarpType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Jacobian< MR::Image< default_type > >, MR::Image< default_type > > | |
CMR::Adapter::Jacobian< MR::Image< default_type > > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Gradient1D< MR::Image< default_type > >, MR::Image< default_type > > | |
CMR::Adapter::Gradient1D< MR::Image< default_type > > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Gradient1D< Im1ImageType >, Im1ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Gradient1D< Im1ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Gradient3D< Im1ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Base< Gradient1D< Im2ImageType >, Im2ImageType > | |
►CMR::Adapter::Gradient1D< Im2ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Gradient3D< Im2ImageType > | |
►CMR::Image< value_type > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::BufferScratchDump< value_type > | |
►CMR::Image< bool > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mask | |
CMR::Image< MapVoxel * > | |
►CMR::Image< float > | |
►CMR::Interp::Base< MR::Image< float > > | |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterpBase< MR::Image< float >, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value > | |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value >< MR::Image< float > > | |
CMR::Interp::Masked< MR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value >< MR::Image< float > > > | |
►CMR::Interp::Nearest< MR::Image< float > > | |
CMR::Interp::Masked< MR::Interp::Nearest< MR::Image< float > > > | |
►CMR::Image< uint64_t > | |
CMR::Fixel::Legacy::Image< DataType > | |
►CMR::Image< default_type > | |
►CMR::Interp::Base< MR::Image< default_type > > | |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterpBase< MR::Image< default_type >, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value > | |
CMR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value >< MR::Image< default_type > > | |
CMR::Image< node_t > | |
CMR::Image< index_image_type > | |
CMR::Image< fixel_index_type > | |
CMR::Image< connectivity_value_type > | |
CMR::Image< cfloat > | |
CMR::Image< index_t > | |
CMR::Adapter::Base< AdapterType, ImageType > | |
CMR::Adapter::Reslice< Interpolator, ImageType > | Image providing interpolated values from another Image |
CMR::Adapter::Warp< Interpolator, ImageType, WarpType > | Image providing interpolated values from another Image |
CMR::Image< ValueType > | Functions and classes related to image data input/output |
CMR::GUI::MRView::ImageBase< Image< cfloat >, cfloat > | |
CMR::Filter::ImageCorrelationCostFunction< ImageType, MaskType > | |
►CImageType | |
►CMR::Interp::Base< ImageType > | This class defines the interface for classes that perform image interpolation |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterpBase< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Derivative > | |
CMR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Derivative > | |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterpBase< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value > | |
CMR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value > | |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterpBase< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::ValueAndDerivative > | |
CMR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::ValueAndDerivative > | |
►CMR::Interp::SplineInterpBase< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::Derivative > | |
CMR::Interp::SplineInterp< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::Derivative > | |
►CMR::Interp::SplineInterpBase< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::Value > | |
CMR::Interp::SplineInterp< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::Value > | |
►CMR::Interp::SplineInterpBase< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::ValueAndDerivative > | |
CMR::Interp::SplineInterp< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::ValueAndDerivative > | |
►CMR::Interp::LinearInterpBase< ImageType, PType > | |
CMR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, PType > | |
CMR::Interp::Nearest< ImageType > | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of an Image, using nearest-neighbour interpolation |
CMR::Interp::Sinc< ImageType > | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of an image, using sinc interpolation |
►CMR::Interp::SplineInterpBase< ImageType, SplineType, PType > | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of an image using cubic spline interpolation |
CMR::Interp::SplineInterp< ImageType, SplineType, PType > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::IncludeROIVisitation | |
CMR::GUI::GL::IndexBuffer | |
CMR::Fixel::IndexRemapper | |
CMR::Fixel::Matrix::InitElement | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Integer< ValueType > | |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
CMR::is_data_type< ValueType > | Check whether type is compatible with MRtrix3's file IO backend: |
CMR::DWI::FMLS::IntegrationWeights | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::Interpolator< ImageType > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::Interpolator< MR::Image< float > > | |
►CInterpType | |
CMR::Interp::Masked< InterpType > | Implicit masking for interpolator class |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::BaseFixel::IntPointHasher | |
CMR::is_eigen_type< Cont > | Convenience functions for SFINAE on std:: / Eigen containers |
CMR::File::NameParser::Item | |
CMR::Thread::Queue< T >::Reader::Item | This class is used to read items from the queue |
CMR::Thread::Queue< T >::Writer::Item | This class is used to write items to the queue |
CMR::DWI::Fixel_map< Fixel >::Iterator | |
CMR::Iterator | Dummy image to iterate over, useful for multi-threaded looping |
CMR::Iterator_loop< ImageType, IterType > | |
►CKeyValues | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Properties | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::L1 | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::L2 | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::LCCPrecomputeFunctorMasked_Naive< ImageType1, ImageType2 > | |
CMR::Registration::Linear | |
►CMR::Registration::Metric::LinearBase | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::CrossCorrelationNoGradient | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::DifferenceRobust< Estimator > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::DifferenceRobust4D< Im1Type, Im2Type, Estimator > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::MeanSquared | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::MeanSquared4D< Im1Type, Im2Type > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::MeanSquared4DNonSymmetric< Im1Type, Im2Type > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::MeanSquaredNoGradient | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::MeanSquaredNoGradient4D< Im1Type, Im2Type > | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::MeanSquaredNonSymmetric | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::MeanSquaredVectorNoGradient4D< Im1Type, Im2Type > | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Init::LinearInitialisationParams | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::LinearKernel< FODImageType > | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::LinearKernelMultiContrast< FODImageType > | |
CMR::Math::LinearUpdateBB | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::LineSearchFunctor | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::List | |
CMR::File::ParsedName::List | Class to hold a set of parsed image filenames |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Editing::Loader | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::LocalCrossCorrelation | |
CMR::LogLevelLatch | |
►CMR::Math::Zstatistic::LookupBase | |
CMR::Math::Zstatistic::Lookup_F2z | |
CMR::Math::Zstatistic::Lookup_t2z | |
CMR::LoopAlongAxes | |
CMR::LoopAlongAxesProgress | |
►CMR::LoopAlongAxisRange | |
CMR::LoopAlongAxisRangeProgress | |
►CMR::LoopAlongDynamicAxes | |
CMR::LoopAlongDynamicAxesProgress | |
CMR::LoopAlongSingleAxis | |
CMR::LoopAlongSingleAxisProgress | |
►CMR::LoopAlongStaticAxes | |
CMR::LoopAlongStaticAxesProgress | |
CMR::Fixel::LoopFixelsInVoxel | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::LP | |
CMR::Connectome::LUT_node | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Mapped_track_base | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Mapped_track_nodelist | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Mapped_track_nodepair | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Mapper | |
CMR::DWI::Fixel_map< Fixel >::MapVoxel | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::MapWriterBase | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::MapWriter< value_type > | |
CMR::Connectome::Mat2Vec | |
CMR::GUI::GL::mat4 | |
CMR::Algo::Histogram::Matcher | |
►CEigen::Matrix | |
CMR::DWI::FMLS::SH_coefs | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Matrix< T > | |
CMR::max_digits< X, ReturnType > | |
CMR::max_digits< X, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< typename X::Scalar >::value, int >::type > | |
CMR::max_digits< X, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< typename X::value_type >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< typename X::Scalar >::value, int >::type > | |
CMR::max_digits< X, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< X >::value, int >::type > | |
CMR::Surface::Mesh | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::MethodBase | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::FACT | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::NullDist1 | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::SDStream | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::Seedtest | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::Tensor_Det | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::Tensor_Prob | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::iFOD1 | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::iFOD2 | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::NullDist2 | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Metric | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::MHSampler | The MHSampler class |
CMR::Min_mem_array< T > | |
►CMR::Min_mem_array< Track_fixel_contribution > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::TrackContribution | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::ModeGuiVisitor | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::View | |
►CMR::GUI::ModelViewProjection | |
CMR::GUI::Projection | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Init::MomentsInitialiser | |
CMR::DWI::SDeconv::MSMT_CSD | |
►Cstd::mt19937 | |
CMR::Math::RNG | Random number generator |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::MT_gradient_vector_sorter | |
CMR::Registration::MultiContrastSetting | |
►Cstd::multimap | |
CMR::Connectome::LUT | |
CMR::File::NameParser | Class to interpret numbered filenames |
CMR::NeighbourhoodIterator | Dummy image to iterate over a certain neighbourhood, useful for multi-threaded looping |
Cnifti_2_header | Data structure defining the fields in the nifti2 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-2 header file |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Node | |
CMR::Registration::NonLinear | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::NonLinearKernel< FODImageType > | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::NonLinearKernelMultiContrast< FODImageType > | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Normal< ValueType > | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Normal< default_type > | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Normal< float > | |
CMR::Fixel::Matrix::NormElement | |
CMR::GUI::GL::Shader::Object< TYPE > | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ODF_Item | |
►Cstd::ofstream | |
CMR::File::OFStream | Open output files for writing, checking for pre-existing file if necessary |
CMR::Registration::Metric::Params< TransformType, Im1ImageType, Im2ImageType, MidwayImageType, Im1MaskType, Im2MaskType, Im1ImageInterpType, Im2ImageInterpType, Im1MaskInterpolatorType, Im2MaskInterpolatorType, ProcImageType, ProcImageInterpolatorType, ProcMaskType, ProcessedMaskInterpolatorType > | |
CMR::App::ParsedArgument | |
CMR::File::ParsedName | Class to hold a parsed image filename |
CMR::App::ParsedOption | Object storing information about option parsed from command-line |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::Particle | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::ParticleEnd | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::ParticleGrid | The ParticleGrid class |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::ParticlePool | ParticlePool manages creation and deletion of particles, minimizing the no. calls to new/delete |
CMR::Stats::PermTest::Permutation | |
CMR::Stats::PermTest::PermutationStack | |
CMR::Surface::Polygon< vertices > | |
CMR::Math::SH::PrecomputedAL< ValueType > | Precomputed Associated Legrendre Polynomials - used to speed up SH calculation |
CMR::Math::SH::PrecomputedFraction< ValueType > | Used to speed up SH calculation |
CMR::Stats::PermTest::PreProcessor | |
CMR::Math::ICLS::Problem< ValueType > | |
CMR::Math::ICLS::Problem< double > | |
CMR::Math::ICLS::Problem< value_type > | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Sync::ProcessLock | |
CMR::Stats::PermTest::Processor | |
►CMR::GUI::GL::Shader::Program | |
CMR::GUI::DWI::Renderer::Shader | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ShaderBase | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::EdgeShader | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::NodeShader | |
CMR::ProgressBar | Implements a progress meter to provide feedback to the user |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::Properties | |
►CQAbstractItemModel | |
CMR::GUI::Dialog::TreeModel | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ListModelBase | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ROI_Model | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Matrix_list_model | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Node_list_model | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ODF_Model | |
►CQAction | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Displayable | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::BaseFixel | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::FixelType< FixelIndexImageType > | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Directory | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::FixelType< FixelImage4DType > | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Image4D | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::FixelType< FixelLegacyType > | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Legacy | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::FixelType< ImageType > | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Tractogram | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Volume | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::ImageBase | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Image | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::NodeOverlay | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ROI_Item | |
►CQApplication | |
CMR::GUI::App | |
►CQCheckBox | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Overlay::InterpolateCheckBox | |
►CQComboBox | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::ComboBoxWithErrorMsg | |
►CQDialog | |
CMR::GUI::Dialog::ImageProperties | |
CMR::GUI::Dialog::OpenGL | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::NodeSelectionSettingsDialog | |
►CQDockWidget | |
CMR::GUI::LightingDock | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Dock | |
►CQFormLayout | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Base::FormLayout | |
►CQFrame | |
CMR::GUI::LightingSettings | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Base | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Capture | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Connectome | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Fixel | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Node_list | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ODF | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Overlay | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ROI | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Tractography | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Transform | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::View | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::NodeSelectionSettingsFrame | |
►CQGLWidget | |
►CMR::GUI::GL::Area | |
CMR::GUI::DWI::RenderFrame | |
►CQGridLayout | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Base::GridLayout | |
►CQGroupBox | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::TrackScalarFileOptions | |
►CQHBoxLayout | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Base::HBoxLayout | |
►CQLineEdit | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::AdjustButton | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CMR::GUI::DWI::Window | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Window | |
►CQObject | |
CMR::GUI::GL::Lighting | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::Base | |
►CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::Slice | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::LightBox | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::Ortho | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::Volume | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Sync::InterprocessCommunicator | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Sync::LocalSocketReader | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Sync::SyncManager | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::NodeSelectionSettings | |
►CQPushButton | |
CQColorButton | |
►CQSpinBox | |
►CMR::GUI::SpinBox | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Mode::LightBoxViewControls::LightBoxEditButton | |
►CQTableView | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Node_list_view | |
►CQToolButton | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::ColourMapButton | |
CMR::Math::QuadraticLineSearch< ValueType > | Computes the minimum of a 1D function using a quadratic line search |
CMR::Math::QuadraticLineSearch< double > | |
CMR::Thread::Queue< T > | A first-in first-out thread-safe item queue |
CMR::File::Dicom::QuickScan | |
►CQVBoxLayout | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Base::VBoxLayout | |
►CQWidget | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ODF_Preview | |
CMR::Random_loop< ImageType, RandomEngine > | |
CMR::Random_sparse_loop< ImageType > | |
CMR::File::KeyValue::Reader | |
CMR::Fixel::Matrix::Reader | |
CMR::Thread::Queue< T >::Reader | This class is used to register a reader with the queue |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ReaderInterface< ValueType > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::ReaderInterface< float > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Reader< ValueType > | A class to read streamlines data |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Editing::Receiver | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::RegularisationCalculator | |
CMR::GUI::DWI::Renderer | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::ResampleFunctor | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::RigidLinearNonSymmetricUpdate | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::RigidRobustEstimator | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ROI | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ROI_UndoEntry | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::ROISetBase | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ROIOrderedSet | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ROIUnorderedSet | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Init::LinearInitialisationParams::RotationInit::rot_search | |
CMR::Registration::Transform::Init::LinearInitialisationParams::RotationInit | |
CMR::Helper::Row< ImageType > | |
CMR::Fixel::LoopFixelsInVoxel::Run< DataType > | |
CMR::LoopAlongAxisRange::Run< ImageType > | |
►CMR::LoopAlongDynamicAxes::Run< ImageType > | |
CMR::LoopAlongDynamicAxesProgress::Run< ImageType > | |
CMR::LoopAlongSingleAxis::Run< ImageType > | |
CMR::LoopAlongSingleAxisProgress::Run< ImageType > | |
►CMR::LoopAlongStaticAxes::Run< ImageType > | |
CMR::LoopAlongStaticAxesProgress::Run< ImageType > | |
►CMR::LoopAlongAxisRange::Run< ImageType... > | |
CMR::LoopAlongAxisRangeProgress::Run< ImageType > | |
CMR::ImageIO::VariableScaling::ScaleFactor | |
CMR::DWI::FMLS::Segmenter | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Selector | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Sequence | |
►CMR::DWI::Directions::Set | |
CMR::DWI::Directions::FastLookupSet | |
►Cstd::set | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetDixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetVoxel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetVoxelDEC | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetVoxelTOD | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetDixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxelDEC | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxelDir | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxelTOD | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxelExtras | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetDixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetVoxel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetVoxelDEC | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::SetVoxelTOD | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetDixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxelDEC | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxelDir | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::SetVoxelTOD | |
CMR::GUI::DWI::Renderer::SH | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ROI_UndoEntry::Shared | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::SharedBase | |
CMR::DWI::Shell | |
CMR::DWI::Shells | |
CMR::Math::Stats::Shuffle | |
CMR::Math::Stats::Shuffler | |
CMR::Math::Sinc< T > | |
CMR::Math::Sinc< value_type > | |
CMR::Filter::Smooth::SmoothFunctor1D< ImageType > | |
CMR::Math::Sn_scale_estimator< value_type > | |
CMR::Math::ICLS::Solver< ValueType > | |
CMR::Math::ICLS::Solver< double > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::SpatialLock< T > | SpatialLock manages a mutex lock on n positions in 3D space |
CMR::GUI::Shapes::Sphere | |
CMR::Registration::StageSetting | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::GT::Stats | |
CMR::Stats::Stats | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::StochasticThreadKernel< MetricType, ParamType > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::StreamlineStats | |
CMR::Math::Stats::SubjectDataImportBase | |
CMR::ProgressBar::SwitchToMultiThreaded | |
►CT | |
CMR::container_cast< T > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Tck2nodes_base | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Tck2nodes_all_voxels | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Tck2nodes_end_voxels | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Tck2nodes_forwardsearch | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Tck2nodes_radial | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Tck2nodes_revsearch | |
CMR::GUI::DWI::Renderer::Tensor | |
►CMR::Math::Stats::GLM::TestBase | |
►CMR::Math::Stats::GLM::TestFixedHomoscedastic | |
CMR::Math::Stats::GLM::TestFixedHeteroscedastic | |
►CMR::Math::Stats::GLM::TestVariableHomoscedastic | |
CMR::Math::Stats::GLM::TestVariableHeteroscedastic | |
CMR::GUI::GL::Texture | |
CMR::Registration::Metric::ThreadKernel< MetricType, ParamType > | |
CMR::File::TIFF | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Time | |
►CMR::Timer | |
CMR::IntervalTimer | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::ACT::Tissues | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TODMappingPlugin | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::Track_fixel_contribution | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::SIFTer::TrackGradientCalculator | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::TrackIndexRangeWriter | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TrackLoader | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TrackMapperBase | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TrackMapperTWI | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::TrackMapper | |
CMR::Math::SH::Transform< ValueType > | |
CMR::Math::ZSH::Transform< ValueType > | |
►CMR::Transform | |
CMR::Interp::Base< MR::Image< float > > | |
CMR::Interp::Base< MR::Image< default_type > > | |
CMR::Interp::Base< DeformationField2Type > | |
CMR::Interp::Base< ImageType > | This class defines the interface for classes that perform image interpolation |
CMR::GUI::Dialog::TreeItem | |
►Cstd::true_type | |
CMR::is_complex< std::complex< ValueType > > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TWIImagePluginBase | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TWDFCDynamicImagePlugin | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TWDFCStaticImagePlugin | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TWIFODImagePlugin | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::TWIScalarImagePlugin | |
►CInterpolator::type | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::Tensor_Prob::Interp | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Uniform< ValueType > | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Uniform< default_type > | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Uniform< double > | |
CMR::Math::RNG::Uniform< float > | |
►Cstd::unique_ptr | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Im1ImageInterpolatorType > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Im2ImageInterpolatorType > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Im1MaskInterpolatorType > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Im2MaskInterpolatorType > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Im1ImageInterpType > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Im2ImageInterpType > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< MR::Interp::LinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value >< MR::Image< float > > > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Interp::Linear< Image< default_type > > > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< Interp::Nearest< Image< bool > > > | |
CMR::copy_ptr< T, Deleter > | |
CMR::BitSet::Value | |
CMR::Fixel::Legacy::Value< DataType > | |
CMR::Interp::value_type_of< C > | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of a data set, using tri-linear interpolation |
CMR::Interp::value_type_of< std::complex< X > > | |
CMR::GUI::GL::vec4 | |
►Cstd::vector | |
►CMR::vector< Argument > | |
CMR::App::ArgumentList | Class to hold the list of Argument's |
CMR::App::Option | A class to specify a command-line option |
►CMR::vector< const char * > | |
CMR::App::Description | Vector of strings to hold more comprehensive command description |
►CMR::vector< Example > | |
CMR::App::ExampleList | Class to hold the list of Example's |
►CMR::vector< Option > | |
CMR::App::OptionGroup | Class to hold a named list of Option's |
►CMR::vector< OptionGroup > | |
CMR::App::OptionList | Class to hold the list of option groups |
►CMR::vector< FOD_lobe > | |
CMR::DWI::FMLS::FOD_lobes | |
►CMR::vector< Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 1 > > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Streamline< float > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Streamline< ValueType > | |
CMR::vector< ssize_t > | |
CMR::vector< Fixel_TD_seed > | |
►CMR::vector< float > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::TrackScalar< ValueType > | |
►CMR::vector< Eigen::Vector3f > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::GeneratedTrack | |
►CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< Study > > | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Patient | |
►CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< Image > > | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Series | |
►CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< Series > > | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Study | |
►CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< Patient > > | |
CMR::File::Dicom::Tree | |
►CMR::vector< InitElement > | |
CMR::Fixel::Matrix::InitFixel | |
►CMR::vector< NormElement > | |
CMR::Fixel::Matrix::NormFixel | |
►CMR::vector< Mesh > | |
CMR::Surface::MeshMulti | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< uint32_t > > | |
CMR::vector< uint32_t > | |
CMR::vector< default_type > | |
CMR::vector< value_type > | |
CMR::vector< int > | |
CMR::vector< size_t > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< ssize_t > > | |
CMR::vector< bool > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< value_type > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< index_type > > | |
CMR::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > | |
CMR::vector< Fixel > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Shell > | |
CMR::vector< Eigen::VectorXf > | |
CMR::vector< node_t > | |
CMR::vector< NodePair > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< node_t > > | |
CMR::vector< voxel_type > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Selector > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::Exemplar > | |
CMR::vector< std::unique_ptr< MR::DWI::Tractography::WriterUnbuffered< float > > > | |
CMR::vector< std::string > | |
CMR::vector< Eigen::Vector3i > | |
CMR::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > | |
CMR::vector< double > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Tractography::GT::ParticleEnd > | |
CMR::vector< ParticleVectorType > | |
CMR::vector< std::pair< point_type, bool > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Tractography::ROI > | |
CMR::vector< Plane > | |
CMR::vector< SIFT::track_t > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT2::LineSearchFunctor::Fixel > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::TrackContribution * > | |
CMR::vector< track_t > | |
CMR::vector< MR::DWI::Tractography::SIFT::Cost_fn_gradient_sort > | |
CMR::vector< std::unique_ptr< MR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::Base > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::File::Dicom::Sequence > | |
CMR::vector< uint8_t * > | |
CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< MR::File::Dicom::Frame > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::File::NameParser::Item > | |
CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< MR::File::ParsedName > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< index_t > > | |
CMR::vector< index_type > | |
CMR::vector< QAction * > | |
CMR::vector< MR::ColourMap::Entry > | |
CMR::vector< MR::GUI::Projection > | |
CMR::vector< MR::GUI::GL::vec4 > | |
CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< MR::GUI::MRView::Sync::Client > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< MR::vector< GLint > > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< MR::vector< GLsizei > > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< GLsizei > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Node > | |
CMR::vector< MR::GUI::MRView::Tool::Edge > | |
CMR::vector< std::unique_ptr< MR::GUI::MRView::Displayable > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::GUI::MRView::Tool::FileDataVector > | |
CMR::vector< std::unique_ptr< MR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ODF_Item > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::GUI::MRView::Tool::ROI_UndoEntry > | |
CMR::vector< GLubyte > | |
CMR::vector< GLuint > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< GLint > > | |
CMR::vector< Vertex > | |
CMR::vector< Axis > | |
CMR::vector< MR::File::Entry > | |
CMR::vector< std::unique_ptr< uint8_t[]> > | |
CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< MR::File::MMap > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::ImageIO::VariableScaling::ScaleFactor > | |
CMR::vector< ValueType > | |
CMR::vector< std::shared_ptr< MR::Math::Stats::SubjectDataImportBase > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::Math::Stats::GLM::Hypothesis > | |
CMR::vector< Hypothesis::Partition > | |
CMR::vector< matrix_type > | |
CMR::vector< MR::Math::Stats::CohortDataImport > | |
CMR::vector< vector< size_t > > | |
CMR::vector< MR::BitSet > | |
CMR::vector< MR::Registration::StageSetting > | |
CMR::vector< MR::Registration::MultiContrastSetting > | |
CMR::vector< transform_type > | |
CMR::vector< OptimiserAlgoType > | |
CMR::vector< MR::vector< size_t > > | |
CMR::vector< Triangle > | |
CMR::vector< Quad > | |
CMR::vector< std::unique_ptr< T > > | |
CMR::vector< X, N > | |
CMR::vector< X, 0 > | |
►CEigen::Vector3i | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Voxel | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Dixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::Dixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::Voxel | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::VoxelDEC | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::VoxelDEC | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::VoxelDir | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::VoxelTOD | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::VoxelTOD | |
►CEigen::VectorXf | |
CMR::GUI::MRView::Tool::FileDataVector | |
CMR::GUI::GL::VertexArrayObject | |
CMR::GUI::GL::VertexBuffer | |
CMR::Voxel2Vector | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::VoxelAddon | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::Dixel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::Voxel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::VoxelDEC | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Mapping::Gaussian::VoxelTOD | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Algorithms::Tensor_Prob::WildBootstrap | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Editing::Worker | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::Tracking::WriteKernel | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Seeding::WriteKernelDynamic | |
CMR::Thread::Queue< T >::Writer | This class is used to register a writer with the queue |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::WriterExemplars | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::Connectome::WriterExtraction | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::WriterInterface< ValueType > | |
►CMR::DWI::Tractography::WriterInterface< float > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::WriterUnbuffered< float > | |
CMR::DWI::Tractography::WriterUnbuffered< ValueType > | Class to handle unbuffered writing of tracks to file |
CMR::Math::Zstatistic | |