▼NMR | |
►NAdapter | |
CBase | |
CExtract | |
CExtract1D | |
CGaussian1D | |
CGradient1D | |
CGradient3D | |
CJacobian | |
CMedian | |
CNeighbourhoodCoord | |
CNormalise3D | |
CPermuteAxes | |
CRegrid | |
CReplicate | |
CReslice | Image providing interpolated values from another Image |
CSubset | |
CWarp | Image providing interpolated values from another Image |
►NAlgo | |
►NHistogram | |
CCalibrator | |
CData | |
CMatcher | |
►NApp | |
CArgument | A class to specify a command-line argument |
CArgumentList | Class to hold the list of Argument's |
CDescription | Vector of strings to hold more comprehensive command description |
CExample | Object for storing a single example command usage |
CExampleList | Class to hold the list of Example's |
COption | A class to specify a command-line option |
COptionGroup | Class to hold a named list of Option's |
COptionList | Class to hold the list of option groups |
CParsedArgument | |
CParsedOption | Object storing information about option parsed from command-line |
►NColourMap | |
CEntry | |
►NConnectome | |
►NEnhance | |
CNBS | |
CPassThrough | |
CLUT | |
CLUT_node | |
CMat2Vec | |
►NDWI | |
►NDirections | |
CFastLookupSet | |
CMask | |
CSet | |
►NFMLS | |
CFOD_lobe | |
CFOD_lobes | |
CFODQueueWriter | |
CIntegrationWeights | |
CSegmenter | |
CSH_coefs | |
►NSDeconv | |
CCSD | |
►NTractography | |
►NACT | |
CACT_Method_additions | |
CACT_Shared_additions | |
CGMWMI_finder | |
CTissues | |
►NAlgorithms | |
►CiFOD1 | |
CCalibrate | |
CiFOD2 | |
CNullDist1 | |
CNullDist2 | |
CSDStream | |
CSeedtest | |
CTensor_Det | |
►CTensor_Prob | |
CInterp | |
CWildBootstrap | |
►NConnectome | |
CExemplar | |
CMapped_track_base | |
CMapped_track_nodelist | |
CMapped_track_nodepair | |
CMapper | |
CMatrix | |
CMetric | |
CSelector | |
CStreamline_nodelist | |
CStreamline_nodepair | |
CTck2nodes_all_voxels | |
►CTck2nodes_base | |
Cvoxel_type | |
CTck2nodes_end_voxels | |
CTck2nodes_forwardsearch | |
CTck2nodes_radial | |
CTck2nodes_revsearch | |
CWriterExemplars | |
CWriterExtraction | |
►NEditing | |
CLoader | |
CReceiver | |
CWorker | |
►NGT | |
CEnergyComputer | |
CEnergySumComputer | |
CExternalEnergyComputer | |
CInternalEnergyComputer | |
CMHSampler | The MHSampler class |
CParticle | |
CParticleEnd | |
CParticleGrid | The ParticleGrid class |
CParticlePool | ParticlePool manages creation and deletion of particles, minimizing the no. calls to new/delete |
CProperties | |
CSpatialLock | SpatialLock manages a mutex lock on n positions in 3D space |
CStats | |
►NMapping | |
►NGaussian | |
CDixel | |
CSetDixel | |
CSetVoxel | |
CSetVoxelDEC | |
CSetVoxelTOD | |
CTrackMapper | |
CVoxel | |
CVoxelAddon | |
CVoxelDEC | |
CVoxelTOD | |
CBufferScratchDump | |
CDixel | |
CDixelMappingPlugin | |
CFixel_TD_map | |
CMapWriter | |
CMapWriterBase | |
CSetDixel | |
CSetVoxel | |
CSetVoxelDEC | |
CSetVoxelDir | |
CSetVoxelExtras | |
CSetVoxelTOD | |
CTODMappingPlugin | |
CTrackLoader | |
CTrackMapperBase | |
CTrackMapperTWI | |
CTWDFCDynamicImagePlugin | |
CTWDFCStaticImagePlugin | |
CTWIFODImagePlugin | |
CTWIImagePluginBase | |
CTWIScalarImagePlugin | |
CVoxel | |
CVoxelDEC | |
CVoxelDir | |
CVoxelTOD | |
►NResampling | |
CArc | |
CBase | |
CBaseCRTP | |
CDownsampler | |
CEndpoints | |
CFixedNumPoints | |
CFixedStepSize | |
CUpsampler | |
►NSeeding | |
CBase | |
CDynamic | |
CDynamic_ACT_additions | |
CFixel_TD_seed | |
CGMWMI_5TT_Wrapper | |
CGrid_per_voxel | |
CList | |
CRandom_per_voxel | |
CRejection | |
CSeedMask | |
CSphere | |
CWriteKernelDynamic | |
►NSIFT | |
CCost_fn_gradient_sort | |
CFixel | |
CFixelBase | |
CModel | |
CModelBase | |
CMT_gradient_vector_sorter | |
CResampleFunctor | |
►CSIFTer | |
CTrackGradientCalculator | |
CTrack_fixel_contribution | |
CTrackContribution | |
CTrackIndexRangeWriter | |
►NSIFT2 | |
CCoefficientOptimiserBase | |
CCoefficientOptimiserGSS | |
CCoefficientOptimiserIterative | |
CCoefficientOptimiserQLS | |
CFixel | |
CFixelUpdater | |
►CLineSearchFunctor | |
CFixel | |
CRegularisationCalculator | |
CStreamlineStats | |
CTckFactor | |
►NTracking | |
CEarlyExit | |
CExec | |
CGeneratedTrack | |
CInterpolator | |
CMethodBase | |
CSharedBase | |
CWriteKernel | |
CDataIndex | |
CIncludeROIVisitation | |
CMask | |
CProperties | |
CReader | A class to read streamlines data |
CReaderInterface | |
CROI | |
CROIOrderedSet | |
CROISetBase | |
CROIUnorderedSet | |
CScalarReader | |
CScalarWriter | Class to handle writing track scalars to file |
CStreamline | |
CTrackScalar | |
CWriter | Class to handle writing tracks to file, with RAM buffer |
CWriterInterface | |
CWriterUnbuffered | Class to handle unbuffered writing of tracks to file |
CBootstrap | |
►CFixel_map | |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CMapVoxel | |
CShell | |
CShells | |
►NFile | |
►NDicom | |
CCSAEntry | |
CDate | |
CElement | |
CFrame | |
CImage | |
CPatient | |
CQuickScan | |
CSequence | |
CSeries | |
CStudy | |
CTime | |
CTree | |
►NKeyValue | |
CReader | |
CConfig | |
CEntry | |
CGZ | |
CMMap | |
►CNameParser | Class to interpret numbered filenames |
CItem | |
COFStream | Open output files for writing, checking for pre-existing file if necessary |
►CParsedName | Class to hold a parsed image filename |
CList | Class to hold a set of parsed image filenames |
►NFilter | |
CBase | |
CConnectedComponents | |
►CConnector | |
CAdjacency | |
CCluster | |
CCopyKernel4D | |
CDilate | Filter to dilate a mask |
CDWIBrainMask | Filter to compute a whole brain mask from a DWI image |
CErode | Filter to erode a mask |
►CFFT | Filter to perform an FFT on an image |
CFFTKernel | |
CGradient | |
CImageCorrelationCostFunction | |
CMaskClean | Filter to clean up masks typically output by DWIBrainMask filter |
CMedian | |
CNormalise | |
COptimalThreshold | Filter to compute the optimal threshold to mask a DataSet |
CResize | |
►CSmooth | |
CSmoothFunctor1D | |
CZClean | |
►NFixel | |
►NFilter | |
CBase | |
CConnect | |
CSmooth | |
►NLegacy | |
CFixelMetric | |
CImage | |
CValue | |
►NMatrix | |
CInitElement | |
CInitFixel | |
CNormElement | |
CNormFixel | |
CReader | |
CIndexRemapper | |
►CLoopFixelsInVoxel | |
CRun | |
►NFormats | Classes responsible for handling of specific image formats |
CBase | Interface for classes that support the various image formats |
CMGH | |
CMGZ | |
CMRI | |
CMRtrix | |
CMRtrix_GZ | |
CMRtrix_sparse | |
CNIfTI1 | |
CNIfTI1_GZ | |
CNIfTI2 | |
CNIfTI2_GZ | |
CPAR | |
CPipe | |
CXDS | |
►NGUI | |
►NDialog | |
CImageProperties | |
COpenGL | |
CTreeItem | |
CTreeModel | |
►NDWI | |
►CRenderer | |
CDixel | |
CSH | |
CShader | |
CTensor | |
CRenderFrame | |
CWindow | |
►NGL | |
►NContext | |
CChecker | |
CGrab | |
►NShader | |
CObject | |
CProgram | |
CArea | |
CFont | |
CFrameBuffer | |
CIndexBuffer | |
CLighting | |
Cmat4 | |
CTexture | |
Cvec4 | |
CVertexArrayObject | |
CVertexBuffer | |
►NMRView | |
►NMode | |
►NLightBoxViewControls | |
CLightBoxEditButton | |
CAction | |
CBase | |
CLightBox | |
CModeGuiVisitor | |
COrtho | |
CSlice | |
►CVolume | |
CShader | |
►NSync | |
CClient | |
CInterprocessCommunicator | |
CLocalSocketReader | |
CProcessLock | |
CSyncManager | |
►NTool | |
CAction | |
►CBase | |
CFormLayout | |
CGridLayout | |
CHBoxLayout | |
CVBoxLayout | |
►CBaseFixel | |
CIntPointHasher | |
CCameraInteractor | |
CCapture | |
CClipPlane | |
CConnectome | |
CDirectory | |
CDock | |
CEdge | |
CEdgeColourObserver | |
CEdgeShader | |
CFileDataVector | |
CFixel | |
CFixelType | |
CFixelValue | |
CImage4D | |
CLegacy | |
CListModelBase | |
CMatrix_list_model | |
CNode | |
CNode_list | |
CNode_list_model | |
CNode_list_view | |
CNodeColourObserver | |
►CNodeOverlay | |
CShader | |
CNodeSelectionSettings | |
CNodeSelectionSettingsDialog | |
CNodeSelectionSettingsFrame | |
CNodeShader | |
CODF | |
CODF_Item | |
CODF_Model | |
CODF_Preview | |
►COverlay | |
CInterpolateCheckBox | |
CROI | |
CROI_Item | |
CROI_Model | |
►CROI_UndoEntry | |
CShared | |
CShaderBase | |
CTrackScalarFileOptions | |
CTractogram | |
CTractography | |
CTransform | |
CView | |
CAdjustButton | |
CColourBars | |
CColourMapButton | |
CColourMapButtonObserver | |
CComboBoxWithErrorMsg | |
CDisplayable | |
CDisplayableVisitor | |
►CImage | |
CCachedTexture | |
CImageBase | |
CVolume | |
CWindow | |
►NShapes | |
CCube | |
CCylinder | |
CHalfSphere | |
CSphere | |
CApp | |
CCrosshair | |
CCursor | |
CLightingDock | |
CLightingSettings | |
CModelViewProjection | |
CProjection | |
CSpinBox | |
►NHelper | |
CConstRow | |
CRow | |
►NImageIO | Classes responsible for actual image loading & writing |
CBase | |
CDefault | |
CGZ | |
CMosaic | |
CPipe | |
CRAM | |
CScratch | |
CSparseLegacy | |
►CVariableScaling | |
CScaleFactor | |
►NInterp | |
CBase | This class defines the interface for classes that perform image interpolation |
CLinearInterp | |
CLinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Derivative > | |
CLinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::Value > | |
CLinearInterp< ImageType, LinearInterpProcessingType::ValueAndDerivative > | |
CLinearInterpBase | |
CMasked | Implicit masking for interpolator class |
CNearest | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of an Image, using nearest-neighbour interpolation |
CSinc | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of an image, using sinc interpolation |
CSplineInterp | |
CSplineInterp< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::Derivative > | |
CSplineInterp< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::Value > | |
CSplineInterp< ImageType, SplineType, Math::SplineProcessingType::ValueAndDerivative > | |
CSplineInterpBase | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of an image using cubic spline interpolation |
Cvalue_type_of | This class provides access to the voxel intensities of a data set, using tri-linear interpolation |
Cvalue_type_of< std::complex< X > > | |
►NMath | |
►NICLS | Functionality for solving constrained least-squares problems |
CProblem | |
CSolver | |
►NSH | |
CaPSF | Class to hold the coefficients for an apodised point-spread function |
CPrecomputedAL | Precomputed Associated Legrendre Polynomials - used to speed up SH calculation |
CPrecomputedFraction | Used to speed up SH calculation |
CTransform | |
►NStats | |
►NGLM | |
CHypothesis | |
CTestBase | |
CTestFixedHeteroscedastic | |
CTestFixedHomoscedastic | |
CTestVariableHeteroscedastic | |
CTestVariableHomoscedastic | |
CCohortDataImport | |
CShuffle | |
CShuffler | |
CSubjectDataImportBase | |
►NZSH | |
CTransform | |
CCubicSpline | |
CGradientDescent | Computes the minimum of a function using a gradient descent approach |
CGradientDescentBB | Computes the minimum of a function using a Barzilai Borwein gradient descent approach. ENH: implement stabilised version https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.06409 |
CHermite | |
CHermiteSpline | |
CLinearUpdateBB | |
CQuadraticLineSearch | Computes the minimum of a 1D function using a quadratic line search |
►CRNG | Random number generator |
CInteger | |
CNormal | |
CUniform | |
CSinc | |
CSn_scale_estimator | |
CUniformBSpline | |
►CZstatistic | |
CLookup_F2z | |
CLookup_t2z | |
CLookupBase | |
►NPath | |
CDir | |
►NRegistration | |
►NMetric | |
CCrossCorrelationNoGradient | |
CDemons | |
CDemons4D | |
CDemonsCC | |
CDifferenceRobust | |
CDifferenceRobust4D | |
CEvaluate | |
CL1 | |
CL2 | |
CLCCPrecomputeFunctorMasked_Naive | |
CLinearBase | |
CLocalCrossCorrelation | |
CLP | |
CMeanSquared | |
CMeanSquared4D | |
CMeanSquared4DNonSymmetric | |
CMeanSquaredNoGradient | |
CMeanSquaredNoGradient4D | |
CMeanSquaredNonSymmetric | |
CMeanSquaredVectorNoGradient4D | |
CParams | |
CStochasticThreadKernel | |
CThreadKernel | |
►NRotationSearch | |
CExhaustiveRotationSearch | |
►NTransform | |
►NInit | |
CFODInitialiser | |
►CLinearInitialisationParams | |
►CRotationInit | |
►Crot_search | |
Cglobal_search | |
CMomentsInitialiser | |
CAffine | |
CAffineRobustEstimator | |
CAffineUpdate | |
CBase | |
CDoubleExpSmoothSlopeCheck | |
CLinearKernel | |
CLinearKernelMultiContrast | |
CNonLinearKernel | |
CNonLinearKernelMultiContrast | |
CRigid | |
CRigidLinearNonSymmetricUpdate | |
CRigidRobustEstimator | |
►NWarp | |
CComposeDispKernel | |
CComposeHalfwayKernel | |
CComposeLinearDeformKernel | |
CComposeLinearDispKernel | |
CLinear | |
CMultiContrastSetting | |
CNonLinear | |
CStageSetting | |
►NStats | |
►NCluster | |
CClusterSize | |
►NPermTest | |
CPermutation | |
CPermutationStack | |
CPreProcessor | |
CProcessor | |
►NTFCE | |
CEnhancerBase | |
CWrapper | |
CCFE | |
CEnhancerBase | |
CStats | |
►NSurface | |
►NFilter | |
CBase | |
CSmooth | |
CVertexTransform | |
CMesh | |
CMeshMulti | |
CPolygon | |
CScalar | |
CVox | |
►NThread | |
C__Backend | |
►CQueue | A first-in first-out thread-safe item queue |
►CReader | This class is used to register a reader with the queue |
CItem | This class is used to read items from the queue |
►CWriter | This class is used to register a writer with the queue |
CItem | This class is used to write items to the queue |
►CBitSet | Class for storing bitwise information |
CConstValue | |
CValue | |
CCancelException | |
Ccompare_ptr_contents | |
Ccontainer_cast | |
Ccontainer_value_type | Get the underlying scalar value type for both std:: containers and Eigen |
Ccontainer_value_type< Cont, typename std::enable_if< is_eigen_type< Cont >::value, int >::type > | |
Ccopy_ptr | |
CDataType | |
Cdeque | |
Cdeque< X, 0 > | |
CException | |
CHeader | |
►CImage | Functions and classes related to image data input/output |
CBuffer | |
CIntervalTimer | |
CInvalidFixelDirectoryException | |
CInvalidImageException | |
Cis_complex | Check whether type is complex: |
Cis_complex< std::complex< ValueType > > | |
Cis_data_type | Check whether type is compatible with MRtrix3's file IO backend: |
Cis_eigen_type | Convenience functions for SFINAE on std:: / Eigen containers |
CIterator | Dummy image to iterate over, useful for multi-threaded looping |
CIterator_loop | |
CLogLevelLatch | |
CLoopAlongAxes | |
CLoopAlongAxesProgress | |
►CLoopAlongAxisRange | |
CRun | |
►CLoopAlongAxisRangeProgress | |
CRun | |
►CLoopAlongDynamicAxes | |
CRun | |
►CLoopAlongDynamicAxesProgress | |
CRun | |
►CLoopAlongSingleAxis | |
CRun | |
►CLoopAlongSingleAxisProgress | |
CRun | |
►CLoopAlongStaticAxes | |
CRun | |
►CLoopAlongStaticAxesProgress | |
CRun | |
Cmax_digits | |
Cmax_digits< X, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< typename X::Scalar >::value, int >::type > | |
Cmax_digits< X, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< typename X::value_type >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< typename X::Scalar >::value, int >::type > | |
Cmax_digits< X, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< X >::value, int >::type > | |
CMin_mem_array | |
CNeighbourhoodIterator | Dummy image to iterate over a certain neighbourhood, useful for multi-threaded looping |
►CProgressBar | Implements a progress meter to provide feedback to the user |
CSwitchToMultiThreaded | |
CRandom_loop | |
CRandom_sparse_loop | |
CTimer | |
CTransform | |
Cvector | |
Cvector< X, 0 > | |
CVoxel2Vector | |
C__has_custom_new_operator | |
Cnifti_2_header | Data structure defining the fields in the nifti2 header. This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid NIFTI-2 header file |
CQColorButton | |